- Posted on September 22, 2018

UMD students join #breakfreefromplastic


by The Standard-Times

DARTMOUTH — UMass Dartmouth PIRG students joined Break Free From Plastic, the global movement working to stop plastic pollution, in taking coastal and neighborhood cleanups a step further by naming the brands most responsible for the plastic pollution, according to a news release.

From Sept. 9-15, groups under the #breakfreefromplastic banner have collectively organized more than 150 cleanups in 46 countries to incorporate data on corporate plastic pollution found in communities across the world.

“Small cleanups around campus are important to spark even bigger change beyond. Spreading awareness about environmental issues is always crucial no matter how you do it or when,” said Caroline Quirk, a freshmen sustainability major and first-time volunteer with UMD’s MASSPIRG chapter, in a statement.

UMD students found over 35 bottles of water, a third of which were from Néstlé, a dozen beer cans from corporations like Coors and Twisted Tea, and hundreds of articles of trash with common brands like polystyrene containers from Dunkin’ Donuts and plastic bags littering campus, according to the release.

“Brand audits are about creating corporate accountability for the plastic pollution that litters our oceans, waterways, and communities,” said Graham Forbes, Global Plastics Project Leader at Greenpeace, in a statement.

To view the brand audit toolkit, click here.


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